Learn to Sew Zipper Bag Sewing Class

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join us as we dive deeper into the world of sewing by creating your very own zipper bag. Our instructors will teach you how to install a zipper properly while creating your own fully lined zipper bag. Learn the basics of zipper installation in this class!
This is a virtual class join us on zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93709595547?pwd=c2U4V3JQS1owMmE2bXVJekVtcGYxZz09

Meeting ID: 937 0959 5547
Passcode: 197578

Learn to Sew – Zipper Bag Mask Supply List


  • Outside Fabric – 6” x 10” (Qty- 2)
  • Lining Fabric – 6” x 10” (Qty- 2)

Other Supplies

  • Zipper – 12” or Longer
  • Sewing Machine
  • Cotton Sewing Thread
  • Matching Bobbin Thread
  • Standard Presser Foot
  • Zipper Foot (Optional)
  • Pins or Clips
  • Scissors
  • Turning Tool (Optional)

Book Here:

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