Choosing the Right Vacuum Cleaner

It can be complicated to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your home. There are so many brands and so many buzzwords in the advertisements with competing claims. This article will not recommend a specific brand or a specific vacuum cleaner. Rather, it will go through the decision making process for deciding which vacuum is best for your home.

The Vacuum Industry

The vacuum industry is a $9 billion industry per year. With that much money, there is a lot of room for someone to take advantage of the market. One of the largest reasons for people having difficulty choosing a vacuum to purchase is how much information there is to sort through. Every vacuum brand wants you to choose one of their machines, and there is $9 billion of influence and influence to help sway your opinion.

Where to Purchase the Right Vacuum

Product Placement is the venue at which you can choose the right vacuum cleaner to purchase. There are three different tiers of locations for these appliance purchases. The first is large department stores, like Target, Kohl’s, and Walmart. The second tier is online options, such as Amazon and other online sellers. The third tier is brick-and-mortar stores which specialize in vacuum cleaners.

You might find in your research is that some vacuum cleaner brands are only available in specific venues. It is also possible for a particular brand to offer a model at specific venue, but not in another. This boils down to value. Certain brands may only offer extensive warranties on their products that are sold in specialty stores. Those stores contract with the brand to perform the warranty service inside the store. For example, a machine that you might be able to purchase on Amazon could come with a one year warranty for $500. The same machine could be sold in a warranty center under a different model number with a ten year warranty attached.

Why is Choosing the Right Vacuum Expensive?

There are three different aspects to consider when determining the value of a vacuum cleaner. First, the effectiveness: How thoroughly is it going to clean your floors? Second, usability and the set of features: Is it a vacuum cleaner that you will want to use? Is it easy to use? Third, is longevity: How long with the machine run without breaking? If it does fail, is it possible to get it repairs quickly and in a cost effective manner? Cost is a frequent question, but it’s simple: cost is an easy way to quantify value based on the longevity of the product.

How to Find a Local Vacuum Store

If you’re looking to find a vacuum store near you, here are some tips. First, check out their online reviews. This will give you a sense of how much traffic they handle, how large of an area they take care of. Keep an eye out for consistency of reviews over time. If a lot of amazing reviews drop in a couple days, when previously the store only has one review a month, that is suspicious. Another thing to look for is typos. Real human beings are clumsy. Their reviews will have imperfect grammar, or typos. If all of a store’s reviews sound like they were written by a professional writer, they probably were. Third, watch how the store responds to bad reviews. How they conduct themselves online will probably be a good indicator of how they treat their in-person customers.

When going into a vacuum cleaner store, one of the most important things is to check that they have demonstration units of every model they sell plugged in. You can spend hours reading reviews from strangers, but being able to try out the vacuum is the most important part. In a good local vacuum store, they will have many different types of models plugged in and ready for you to use on multiple surfaces. Being able to handle and try different machines is a key element to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your home.

How Much Should You Pay?

There is nothing wrong with visiting multiple stores to find the absolute best vacuum cleaner for your home. Some stores will only carry a couple different brands, some larger stores may have more brands that they can show you. Don’t expect to see a large price difference between stores, however. Most premium vacuum products have a Manufacture’s Accepted Pricing, and a retail store will not be able to drop below that price without strong consequence from the brand provider. You will not have good success trying to get businesses into a price battle against each other, and you might use caution if you find someone who will severely undercut their competition. Check that you are still receiving the full value of the machine, warranty, and other services provided.

There is a perfect vacuum in the world for every person and every home. By going into a local vacuum store, you have the opportunity to talk to an expert in the industry who has seen thousands of models of vacuum cleaners and can help you confidently narrow down your choices. Check out our YouTube video with more details!

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